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Aller Formula
Aller Formula & Vitamin
Aller Formula & Vitamin
Item#: bottle90capsules
Regular price: $45.00
Sale price: $25.00

Product Description

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EastWest Botatnicals
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Tel: 1-866-266-1688

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Detail Information
(preface) AllerEase

1)Helps support upper respiratory and immune functions
2)Helps face dust-mites and pollens with ease


AllerEase is an advanced allergic rhinitis formula, developed after careful modification of well-known ancient Chinese formulas used to treat this condition. EastWest Pharmaceuticals International LLC has filed the international patent. The four herbs contained in the formula - huangqi root (Astragalus membranaceus), baizhu root (Atractylodes macrocephala), fangfeng root (Saposhnikovia divaricata) and xinyi flower bud (Magnolia biondii) - have been combined in ratios that are considered optimal, based on available in-vitro and in-vivo data. The efficacy and safety of this particular ratio has also been observed in controlled clinical trials. All four herbs have been used extensively, in various combinations with each other or with other traditional Chinese herbs, and are considered generally safe for long-term consumption, with no known serious side effects or drug interactions. Huangqi, baizhu, fangfeng, and xinyi have individually demonstrated immunomodulatory functions and have been used in various combinations with each other, or with other herbs, for hundreds of years, in traditional Chinese medicine formulas for treating conditions such as nasal congestion, sinusitis, rhinorrhea, acute/chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis. These formulations are available as oral formulas, inhalants, nasal sprays or nasal drops.Historically four ratios of huangqi:baizu:fangfeng, have been cited the most-1:1:1, 1:2:1, 6:4:3 and 3:1:1. Dr. Ching-Hsiang Hsu conducted a series of in-vitro tests and selected the best ratio for the anti-allergic effect, and for immune modulation. Subsequent clinical studies on 165 patients were conducted with this ratio and the addition of various fourth herb for 2-week intake. The results demonstrate that 32 patients treated by a combination with Xinyi enjoyed the best relief from allergic rhinitis. Xinyi was added to enhance the anti-allergic effect, as well as expedite its onset of action.To date, a series of toxicity studies have been completed in the GLP laboratory in the US. The combination of the four herbs (huangqi, baizhu, fangfeng and xinyi) have shown no mutagenicity or organ toxicity in animals. The safety and efficacy of AllerEase have been assessed in another blinded, randomized comparative clinical trials involving both children and adults suffering from allergic rhinitis (in total of 132). Patients' symptoms and quality of life showed marked improvement after 2-4 weeks of AllerEase, with the improvements lasting for at least another month after stopping the formula. Additional benefit of reducing the amount of synthesized drugs is observed among patients who took both synthesized drugs and this formula during the trial. Periodic safety laboratory evaluations and adverse reporting during the studies showed the formula to be safe and well tolerated.Intended use:Relief of symptoms of allergic rhinitis, by modulating and maintaining the body's immunity.Recommendeddosage:The recommended daily dose, to be taken in one or two divided doses, preferably before meals, is as follows: 0-6 years of age: 4 capsules a day >6 years of age: 8 capsules a dayMaximum: 12 capsules a dayContraindication: FeverPregnant/breastfeeding women: please consult health professionals on pre- or postnasal use

Description of individual herb:

Baizhu Family: CompositaeBotanical Name: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz Latin Name: Atractylodis macrocephalae, RhizomaThe bitter sweet and pungent root of white atractylodes, is one of the most important and commonly used herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. It contains Attractylone, attractylon, and vitamin A, and is considered to be generally safe for appropriate long-term consumption. (The LD50 for peritoneal injection is reported to be 13.3 g/kg. When rats were fed decoctions of the herb in doses of 0.5 g/kg for one to two months, no toxic symptoms developed).Traditional Chinese medicine has classified the root of white atractylodes as a "Spleen" tonic, which fortifies "Qi", thereby strengthening the body constitution and increasing resistance to disease. This reference to the immune boosting property of white atractylodes is supported by pharmacological studies where the herb has demonstrated the ability to stimulate the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system. It also increases white cell counts of leukopenic patients, promotes cellular immunity, markedly increases serum IgG, and induces a-interferon production in humans.Because white atractylodes is highly regarded as a powerful energy ("Qi" ) booster, it can be found in the majority of traditional Chinese medicine formulations designed to boost energy. It is believed to invigorate the "Yang" energy of the body. It provides power and strength to the body, builds muscles (mice, administered 6 g/kg decoctions orally for a month, demonstrated increased body weight and improved endurance). It also helps to regulate appetite, digestion, and increase sexual drive. It is widely used in China by athletes and martial artists, and in weight control programs. In addition, white atractylodes is also widely consumed by pregnant women in China, especially those low in "Qi" who experience fatigue, digestive problems and anemia, to strengthen the mother, and prevent abortion.White atractylodes is commonly used in traditional Chinese formulas to treat phlegm retention, asthma, cough with excessive sputum production, and to stop sweating.Pharmacological and human clinical studies have shown white atractylodes to exert a diuretic effect only in patients with edema, and not in normal subjects. It has also been shown to be liver protective, and to be a mild hypoglycemic agent. It increases the assimilation of glucose and lowers plasma glucose levels.Daily dose ranges from 5-15g, though doses up to 60g have been recorded.

Xinyi Family: MagnoliaceaeBotanical Name: 1. Magnolia biondii Pamp. 2. Magnolia denudata Desr. 3. Magnolia Sprengeri Pamp.Latin/ Pharmaceutical Name: Flos MagnoliaeThere are about 12 genera and 220 species in the Magnoliaceae family. They are concentrated in the mountains of temperate and subtropical Asia.Xingyi is the dried flower bud of Magnolia biondii Pamp, Magnolia denudata Desr. or Magnolia sprengeri Pamp. The herb is collected in late winter and early spring, before flowering. It is pungent in taste. Its main constituents include essential oils of cineole, eugenol, chavicol methylether, lignans (including maganolol, magnolin,), alkaloids (including magnocurarine), calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.The herb has sympatholytic properties and can cause hypotension. It is contraindicated in pregnancy, and precautions are necessary when used in combination with anesthetics, antihypertensives, or diuretics.In traditional Chinese medicine, xinyi is used to treat rhinorrhea, with nasal obstruction, headache, runny nose and loss of smell, as well as sinusitis with purulent discharge, to expel "wind and cold" and to open the nasal cavity.The usual dose used ranges from 3-10g/day (though up to 15g/day has been administered), and is usually given as 2-3 divided doses. Overdose could lead to redness of eyes and dizziness.

Fangfeng Family: UmbelliferaeLatin Name: Ledebouriella seseloides (Hoffm.) Wolff.Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Saposhnikovia Fangfeng is a perennial plant that grows on the desert slopes and dry steppes of East Asia, from China and Japan to Siberia.It is pungent and sweet in flavor, and considered to be generally safe for appropriate consumption, by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) Safety & Labeling Guidelines SubCommittee.Fangfeng contains coumarins deltoin, 5-O-methylvisamminol, 5-O-methylvisamminol glucoside, cimifugin, cimifugin glucoside, hamaudol and hamaudol glucoside.Modern Research has found the herb to possess antibacterial effects (it inhibits the growth of Bacillus dysenteriae and hemolytic streptococcus), as well as anti-inflammatory effects. It relieves pain, and can be used for common cold.In traditional Chinese medicine, it is often used to treat:1. "pathogenic wind, wind-cold, wind-heat, wind-dampness, tetanus and other syndromes" affected by exogenous pathogenic factors. 2. arthralgia due to "wind-cold-dampness" with difficulty in movement 3. symptoms of trismus and opisthotonus 4. febrile convulsion The usual daily dose is 3-10g, though up to 30g have been used.

Huangqi Family: LeguminosaeLatin Name: Astragalus membranaceusPharmaceutical Name: Radix AstragaliChinese Name: also commonly prescribed as beiqi Radix Astragali or huangqi is a perennial plant, native to the elevated regions of China, and is mainly produced in the Shanxi and Heilongjiang provinces, and Inner Mongolia. The portion of the plant used medicinally is the four- to seven-year-old dried root, collected in spring. The root tastes slightly sweet and has almost no smell. Over 2,000 types of astragalus exist worldwide. Some are toxic, but huangqi, used in Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years, has been extensively tested, both chemically and pharmacologically, and is considered generally safe for long-term consumption. It is a popular tonic herb that can be found in many formulas that fortify the immune system. Shen Nung, the founder of Chinese herbal medicine, classified huangqi as a "superior herb" in his classical treatise Shen Nung Pen Tsao Ching (circa A.D. 100). The Chinese name huangqi or "yellow leader," refers to the yellow color of the root, and its status as one of the most important tonic herbs.Huangqi is considered to be an adaptogen, with immune stimulant, diuretic, vasodilator, and antiviral properties. Adaptogens are nutritive herbs that enhance the body's resistance to disease. To be classified as an adaptogen, the plant must raise non-specific resistance to disease, be capable of normalizing bodily functions even in disease states, cause no organ toxicity, and should be safe for long-term consumption as a nutritive, for disease prevention.Huangqi contains plant pigments formononetin, astraisoflavan, astrapterocarpan, 2'-3'-dihydroxy-7, 4'-dimethooxyisoflavone, and isoliquiritigenin. Other major constituents include D-s-asparagine, calycosin, cycloastra-genol, astragalosides I-VII, choline, betaine, kumatakenin, sucrose, glucuronic acid, s-sitosterol 1, and soyasaponin, folic acid and an antibacterial ingredient, L-3-hydroxy-9-methoxpterocarpan.The polysaccharides contained in huangqi have been found to modulate the immune system. Huangqi is used for AIDS, burns and abscesses, chronic colds and flu, fatigue, night sweats, and loss of appetite. Several pilot clinical trials in China suggest that huangqi can benefit cancer patients by boosting immunity and improving survival. There is also preliminary data from China to suggest that huangqi could be beneficial for systemic lupus, through immunomodulation. The herb may also help fight against environmental allergies.Huangqi's saponins were found to have a positive effect on cardiac function by inhibiting the formation of myocardial lipid peroxides, as well as by decreasing blood coagulation.In traditional Chinese medicine, huangqi is considered to tonify the lungs. It is used to treat frequent colds, asthma and shortness of breath. It is also used in cases with "spleen deficiency" manifested by diarrhea, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, and lack of appetite.Other traditional indications include wasting disorders, night sweats, chronic ulcerations and sores, numbness and paralysis of the limbs, and edema. It is also prescribed for arthritis.Scientific research has found that huangqi:1. activates the non-specific (cell-mediated) immune system of the body 2. tonifies. Mice administered herb showed an increase in their body weights, and endurance 3. is a diuretic, in animal studies 4. protects against experimentally-induced nephritis in rats, and reduces proteinuria in patients 5. has cardiotonic effects. It increases cardiac contractility 6. is a vasodilator, and is capable of lowering blood pressure 7. possesses antibacterial properties. The herb has antibacterial activity against Shigella dysenteriae, Streptococcus haemolyticus, Diplococcus pneumonia, and Staphylococcus aureus, in vitroHuangqi's hypotensive action is probably from the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in its roots. GABA may also be responsible for the vasodilating, antiadregenic and diuretic effects of the herb.To date, there are no known drug interactions, and no known medical conditions that preclude its use. No information on overdose is available. Potential side effects include gas and loose bowel movements. The LD50 of huangqi is approximately 40g/kg, when administered by intraperitoneal injection. Overall, it is very safe. Doses as high as 100g/kg of the raw herb have been given to rats by lavage with no adverse effects.The usual daily dose is 9-15 grams of the crude herb, but doses as high as 100g have been used.

All about allergic rhinitis (AR) What is Allergic rhinitis, otherwise known as hay fever? Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, that occur after exposure to airborne particles of dust, dander, or the pollens of certain seasonal plants in people who are allergic to these substances. Common symptoms are sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, itchy eyes, nose , throat or skin, and watery eyes. A nasal voice, noisy breathing, snoring, chronic fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, frequent headaches, difficulty hearing and smelling, may also result. These symptoms are the result of an oversensitive immune system, leading to a misdirected immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses. Allergic rhinitis occurs occurs when the immune system reacts to substances (allergens, such as pollen) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause an immune response. When these symptoms are caused by pollens, the allergic rhinitis is commonly known as "hay fever".

How common is allergic rhinitis? Very common. Allergic rhinitis is the most common allergic disease, affecting both adults & children, though it peaks between between 5 and 30 years of age. Approximately 54% of those affected have symptoms throughout the year, only 13% have clear-cut seasonal prevalence. Studies from US & Europe show that 20-25% of population suffers from allergic rhinitis: ¡P 40-50 million in the US alone ¡P Accounts for 3% of all medical office visits, second only to dental care Prevelances could be as high as 40% around the world, and the numbers are increasing

Are you at risk for developing allergic rhinitis? Yes, especially if the following applies to you: ¡P family history of allergy ¡P high level of serum IgE in early childhood ¡P exposure to indoor allergens ¡P eczema and congested living in confined spaces Genetic factors are the major determinants of allergies:¡P If both parents have an allergy, your risk is 75% ¡P If one parent has an allergy, your risk is 50%

Does allergic rhinitis occur by itself? No, it may be associated with the development of other diseases like: ¡P asthma (chronic inflammatory disease of the airway, characterized by airway obstruction). o Allergic rhinitis and asthma often co-exist because both are inflammatory, both share the same immune mechanism, and the mucosa of the upper and lower airways are contiguous. A European survey found that 16.2% of 1,412 subjects with perennial rhinitis had asthma, whereas only 1% of the 5,198 controls have this disorder. ¡P rhino-sinusitis ( inflammation of paranasal sinuses) ¡P allergic conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye) ¡P otitis media (inflammation of middle ear)

Complications that can arise from allergic rhinitis Some of the known complications are: ¡P Ear infection ¡P Sinusitis ¡P Nasal polyps ¡P Recurrent sore throat ¡P Cough ¡P Headache ¡P Altered sleep pattern ¡P Fatigue ¡P Irritability ¡P Poor performance ¡P Altered facial growth & orthodontic problems in children

Can treatment of allergic rhinitis prevent asthma from developing? Current studies support the idea that asthma can be controlled through proper diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is considered an important risk factor for the development of bronchial asthma.The new Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines, recently developed by the World Health Organization, aim to broaden the perspectives for primary prevention of bronchial asthma through the management of allergic rhinitis.

What is the cost of allergic rhinitis to you? Symptoms of allergic rhinitis can have a tremendously negative impact on your quality of life (QOL). They limit work/school/recreational activities. People with moderate allergic rhinitis rate their QOL lower than asthma in 7 out of 9 categories. 80% of allergic rhinitis sufferers have sleep problems. 0.8 to 2 million school days are lost per year.According to a recent Harvard study, in the United States alone, 12.7 million workers suffer from allergic rhinitis, and the average salary-equivalent annual cost of sick days from this disorder is $5.4 billion. When decreased work performance is also taken into consideration, the cost climbs to $7.7 billion.

The cost of allergic rhinitis to the health care system? Worldwide, allergic rhinitis is associated with direct cost of billions of dollars in terms of health care expenses. The annual cost of medication for moderately severe perennial allergic rhinitis is around $USD 1,200. If asthma co-exists, then it costs around $2,200.The cost of the first year of immunotherapy is around $170-290, for 3 years it is around $1,140-1,380, and for 6 years it is $1,480-1,960.

Which type of allergic rhinitis are you suffering from? Acute?¡P1 Lasting less than 6 weeks (usually 3-7 days ) ¡P2 Usually caused by infection (e.g. colds/flu or chemical irritation) Chronic?¡P1 Persistent symptoms ¡P2 Caused by allergy/variety of other factors like smoke/ air pollution/fragrance Seasonal?¡P1 Occurs in spring/summer/early fall ¡P2 Usually allergy to pollens/airborne mold spores Perennial?¡P1 Sensitivity to dust mites/cockroaches/animal dander/mold spores & sometimes food. ¡P2 The role of mites as a source of house dust allergens has been known for a long time. It is possible to measure mite allergens in the environment, and IgE antibody levels in patients.

Some preventive measures you can take ¡P The most effective method is to avoid the allergen that triggers your allergic response. o If you are allergic to your pets, consider confining them to a particular area of your home. o Cut down on your exposure to pollen by using air conditioning, avoiding outdoor activities during the pollen season o Cover or filter all vents and purchase a filter for your home o Use pillows and comforters stuffed with Dacron or polyester and enclose mattresses and box springs in plastic. Feathers, foam rubber, or pillows more than five years old are often allergens o Avoid dust and mold. Dust mites are responsible for the majority of perennial allergic rhinitis. Though in general, humid homes have more mites. mites are universal and can be in up to 100% of homes. Controlling house dust mite infestation includes covering mattresses, hot washing of bedding, and removing carpet from bedrooms. Store clothing so dust will not settle on it. Move out decorative pillows, books, and stuffed animals. Use dusting products formulated to hold the dust o For mite allergic individuals, it is recommended that home relative humidities be lower than 45 percent. Mites desiccate in drier air. Vacuum cleaning and use of acaricides can be effective short-term remedial strategies. ¡P Maintain a balanced diet to improve your body's ability to heal itself ¡P Sleep with your head elevated to prevent nasal congestion during the night ¡P Drink adequate fluids (eight 8-ounce glasses per day) to loosen the secretions in your nose and throat ¡P Exercise regularly

Diagnosis Clinical trials suggest that at the moment there are no solutions yet to the problem. Diagnosis¡P A detailed history & physical (including whether symptoms vary according to time of day or season, exposure to pets or other allergens, and diet changes). This is necessary, as it is not always easy to diagnose allergic rhinitis. Many of its symptoms are similar to those of common cold. If you have perennial allergic rhinitis, it is even harder to diagnose, as there is no clear-cut seasonal pattern. ¡P Skin testing-special IgE (immunoglobulin E, an antibogy) test for specific allergens The most common allergy diagnostic tests are prick/puncture tests, which detect IgE antibodies How to Distinguish Hay Fever From a ColdFROM:AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION

Distributed by: EastWest Botanicals, a division of EastWest Pharmaceuticals International, LLC Shrewsbury, MA 01545, USA Tel: 1-866-266-1688.