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Berkeley 2B 2C 3B 3C Trumpet Mouthpiece Set Silver Gold
Berkeley 1.5B 1.5C 3B,3C 5B 5C 6 set Trumpet Mouthpiece Set Silver Gold
Berkeley 1.5B 1.5C 3B,3C 5B 5C 6 set Trumpet Mouthpiece Set Silver Gold
Item#: berkeley-2b-2c-3b-3c-trumpet-mouthpiece-set-silver-2233
Regular price: $125.00
Sale price: $86.00

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Berkeley 1.5B 1.5C 3B,3C 5B 5C Trumpet 6 Mouthpiece Set Silver Gold

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Berkeley 1.5B 1.5C 3B,3C 5B 5C Trumpet 6 Mouthpiece Set Silver Gold This is new silver and gold 4 set of trumpet, cornet, piccolo trumpet and flugelhorn mouthpiece set, you can easy change from 2b 2c 3b to 3c. In general the deep cup mouthpieces produce the darkest sounds. In reverse the shallow cup mouthpieces produce the brightest sounds and also aid in the production of the high register. BerkeleyWind "C" cup is a comprise which offers both full tone and ease of production. In switching from one instrument to another i.e., Bb trumpet to D trumpet, it is usually good to use a mouth piece that is .025" shallower in the cup volume with all other dimensions remaining the same. The higher the instrument is, the shallower the cup should be. A player who needs primarily a good range without sacrificing much tone can consider a hollow mouthpiece with a widened 2nd cup. The shallow 1st cup affords support in the top register and the widened 2nd cup allows a full tone.

also more heavy mouthpiece can easier to control sound,berkeleywind mouthpiece only have few Oz more then your 7c, but when you play, you can tell, much easy to play and make better sound. Large C refers to the CUP VOLUME A. Small Cup B. Medium-small C. Standard (medium size) D. Medium-large E. Large 3 refers to the RIM CONTOUR 1 Rounded 2 Semi-rounded 3 Standard 4 Semi-flat 5 Only slightly rounded c refers to the BACK BORE a. Tight b. Straight c. Standard d. Slightly curved out e. Large If you like to know more about mouthpiece, just type on google, you can find out all you need in mouthpiece.Berkeley 2C 3C 5C 7C Trumpet Mouthpiece Set Silver&Gold Description: Every time a customer asks me what size mouthpiece my trumpets come with I always tell them a 7C but sometimes they need a 2C or 5C. Now we offer a set that comes with all you need: 2C, 3C, 5C to 7C. If you try each one from 2C to 7C you can feel the difference; 2C is much richer and warmer, 7C makes reaching the high notes easier. Of course, you will find the 2C much louder than the 7C. Cup specifications/diameter/depth: 1C .681 .62 .432 1-1/2C .669 .59 .432 3C .665 .55 .432 5C .659 .53 .432 7c is .651 .49 .432


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Kanstul M2, Monette C2 B2 Style Trumpet Mouthpiece
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Kanstul M2, Monette C2 B2 Style Trumpet Mouthpiece

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Kanstul M2, Monette C2 B2 Style Trumpet Mouthpiece

Berkeleywind have a high quality mandolin, we give you a good deal.

MillimeterDecimalFractionThroat SizeCup DepthPart #
M-217.000.67043/64#27 - .144"Medium40420
Monette     Trumpet

The same rim as the M-B2 and a great all around trumpet piccolo mouthpiece, with a full sound and an easy upper register.This mouthpiece provides tremendous depth of sound and stability of response. It has a unique round rim with an unusually deep cup, and is only recommended for the most advanced players.

good to know about this High on the Pitch After years of working with many great artists, part-time performers, and amateur players from all over the world, it is not an exaggeration to say that probably 99 out of every 100 players we meet play high on the pitch. This is not the fault of the players, but rather a result of what we have all had to learn physically in our body use to compensate for the inconsistencies inherent in conventional equipment. Playing with this extra tension in the body negates most of the advantages our mouthpieces offer.

Virtually every player we meet plays to some degree with his or her head in front of their spine rather than over their spine. Most also play with their heads tilted up, compressing the back of the necks. Both of these practices block the throat, and cause the player to play high on the pitch. Here are some tips for overcoming these habitual patterns of body use: Practice keeping the head over the spine while bringing the instrument and mouthpiece up to your lips to play. Use a mirror or have a friend video you in profile as you start to play. When you bring the equipment to you, you control it! When you bring your head forward to meet it, it controls you and you block your throat in the process! Try lowering the bell of the horn a few inches as you play, while maintaining the same embouchure and angle between the instrument and face. This will extend the back of the neck and help open the throat. Notice the difference in pitch and how much one needs to adjust the position of the tuning slide when playing with the neck extended and the throat open in this way. Notice that the upper register will improve immediately. Keep the elbows out away from the ribs to help keep the chest open, and keep the shoulders down and broad while playing, resisting the memory of raising them when playing onto the upper register. Many players raise the shoulders automatically as they bring the instrument up to play. Keeping the feet parallel when playing will help keep the hips open and help one to use the entire body while playing. This will help keep one “on center” and will improve every aspect of performance.

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Regular price: $98.00
Sale price: $45.00