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BerkeleyWind 17 Open Solid Ebony Flute
BerkeleyWind 17 Open Solid Ebony Flute
BerkeleyWind 17 Open Solid Ebony Flute
Item#: flute
Regular price: $4,000.00
Sale price: $1,050.00

Product Description

Solid Ebony Flute 17 Silver Open & Close key

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Ebony are getting hard to get.It's a general name for very dense black wood. In the strict sense it is yielded by several species in the genus Diospyros, but other heavy, black (or dark colored) woods are sometimes also called ebony. Some well-known species of ebony include(Ceylon ebony),in western Africa have best Ebony. when we make this flute not just cut for 3 piece. they use same way cut the diamond. make perfect position to make. also this wood so hard. make very easy to crack, only 40% wood can make perfect flute. and we buy all the wood in about 15 years ago when price are cheaper in that time and let they dry up by himself. so it's perfect wood today

Ebony is one of the most intensely black woods known, which, combined with its very high density (it is one of the woods that sink in water), fine texture, and ability to polish very smoothly, has made it very valuable as an ornamental wood.

this flute is key of C and down to Low B open and close key

Longer hinge tube on Bb A F F# E and D keys to increase bearing surface and eliminate play. * 3. Newly redesigned G# key eliminates bending and key binding. * 4. New internal full pad attachment greater stability of all pads in cups. * 5. Underslung key adjustments for cleaner look, snag-free surface.

* 6. White felt bumpers on all key tails for secure attachment and increased durability. * 7. Increased slope on all pad cups to center player�s finger directly over pad for better seal. * 8. Precision-machined headjoint tenon for improved fit. * 9. Double springing of trill section at pad cup for improved response and easier adjustment. * 10. Pre-cut rounded pins for a smooth, flush, snag-free surface. * 11. G#spat arm re-contoured to provide slightly more clearance between G/G# keys. * 12. triple pinning of left-hand section for more stability of A key, kicker. And Bbspat. 13. G# key spring hook integral with cup arm to allow longer spring for lighter action. * 14. Double ball post moved closer to barrel for longer F# hinge tube and more stability. 15. Split E mechanism available on selected models. * 16. Stainless steel springs for lighter action better response. * 17. Spring hooks moved 4mm farther from post for lighter action faster response. * 18. Pad thinned by .010" and backed by easily-removed .010" paper shims to counteract pad swelling caused by humidity. * 19. New stop plate design with rounded spring hook base for more sensitive action. 20. Graduated pad washers for consistent surface area on all pads. * 21. G# D# C# and trill key spatulas ergonomically redesigned for comfort and accessibility. * 22. Hex-head screws on all pad cups and flat springs for more security.


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